On the University of Ottawa's official website (emphasis added):
"In light of the ongoing transit strike, the University of Ottawa will continue to provide a special free shuttle service to uOttawa students for the duration of the transit strike."And from Carleton University (again, emphasis added):
"With the disruption in transit service to campus due to a strike by OC Transpo workers, the university would like to advise the university community on the following.It is unclear what prompted the change in approach from the universities, but we will try and get more information as it becomes available. It is also unclear whether or not striking ATU members will picket the shuttles, which has been discussed as a possibility in the past.
"Carleton University has increased its shuttle bus service during the weekdays and Saturday for the duration of the potential strike."
UPDATE: In an interview with Public Transit in Ottawa, Student Federation of the University of Ottawa president Dean Haldenby clarified that while the school is continuing the shuttle service, the student union cannot afford to contribute.
More information coming.
1 comment:
whatever the reasons the universities have for their decisions i commend them. These students do not have the resources to find alternative transportation nor do they have the funds. I think it would be a crucial mistake by the union and workers to target helpless individuals. By disrupting the students schooling they could affect their futures for years to come. It is bad enough that so many people are being affected by one group of populations issues. I have grave fears that should this strike continue, combined with our ecomnomic recession, violence will be the result not a financial resolution. The big wigs need to wise up on both sides and realize the damage both are doing to this city and it's people.
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