Thursday, January 15, 2009

Scenes from the strike: Union waits outside council chamber

This was the scene outside of council chambers just a few minutes ago, as a small group gathered outside the room. At 10:40 a.m., it was nowhere near the size of yesterday's crowd, but council isn't expected to meet again in-camera until 11 a.m. Even then, it is largely unknown how long they will meet behind closed doors.


Anonymous said...

Otherwise known as it's too damn cold to picket, so let's go sit inside and warm up.

Anonymous said...

It's too damn cold outside to walk to school or work. So lets get this strike settled. Larry forget the scab workers and get back to the bargaining table. Let the union talk to your members of council, and get the job done.
enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

André, forget picketing innocent third parties and "inconveniencing people" and get back to the bargaining table. Let the city talk to the members of the ATU, and get the job done. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

Never have I seen such a bunch of ugly people. Inside and out.

Anonymous said...

"It's too damn cold outside to walk to school or work. So lets get this strike settled..."

You cold-blooded, shameless bunch, do you enjoy watching people forced to walk to work and to school in this weather?

Anonymous said...

Find out to how ATU has abused the system for past 12 years:

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