Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Talks break off... again...

According to the Ottawa Sun, the Amalgamated Transit Union has walked away from the negotiating table after deciding the city hadn't sufficiently improved its contract offer to the union of 2300 memers:
"The city failed to change its key offers," says Andre Cornellier, president of ATU Local 279.

Cornellier says there is no evidence the city's bargaining team has a new mandate.
Mayor Larry O'Brien, however, has disagreed, and is stating that the city is working on addressing the concerns the drivers have with the contract:
"The city has shown that it is willing to negotiate and compromise," O'Brien said. "The only way to end this strike is for both sides to work together. However, we would like to see the union come back to the table with those items they are willing to compromise on."
And the city's much-discussed 'new mandate', which had been previously unknown due to a media blackout, apparently involves meeting the union's demanded pay raises and an offer to establish a joint committee to negotiate scheduling issues to reflect the demands of the city and the union:
The city also said to arrive at a solution, it removed the $2,500 signing bonus and replaced it with an additional 2% wage increase over two years. The city was originally offering a 7.25% increase over three years, while the union was asking for 9.25% over the same time period.

The city has also offered to set up a temporary joint management and union committee to devise a scheduling system that includes work-rest rules it argues would improve service reliability.


Anonymous said...

Enough is ephuqqin nough.

Where the hell are our MP's?

Anonymous said...

I can't take this anymore. I can't. I don't qualify for assistance and I'm not making any money because I'm paying for taxis. Someone please help us! Our councilors and mayor are inept! They don't care about us! Never vote for them again!

Anonymous said...

Is someone from transitottawa.ca going to the CIRB hearing today on the essential service status?

Anonymous said...

I'm actually upset at the city for offering so much. It's irresponsible to be giving such huge pay raises when the rest of the general population is afraid they're going to be losing their jobs. Now my property taxes are going to go up -- again -- and bus fare is going to go up -- again, and the union is still not happy?

Why isn't the union at the bargaining table, trying to hammer out a deal? You can't make the city negotiate against itself and just periodically turn up just to say "No", that's not how it works.

Don't their members want this strike to end?

Anonymous said...

I'm actually upset at the city for offering so much. It's irresponsible to be giving such huge pay raises when the rest of the general population is afraid they're going to be losing their jobs.

Agreed. I don't think they went crazy here, but Transit at any cost is no deal and is not acceptable.

I can't take this anymore. I can't. I don't qualify for assistance and I'm not making any money because I'm paying for taxis

That sucks. Can you carpool? Have you checked with the Universities etc? Have you considered renting a car and offsetting the cost with other poolers?
Can you walk? Can you bike?

Can you work from home? Can you cut down on meetings etc and consolidate for one day a week? Or work off-hours? Can you move closer to where you work or work closer to where you live (this is a good idea anyways)?

Thall said...

The city is offering too much right now as it is, and the union wants more? 9.25% over three years is generous, even in good economic times! The city sure looks like they are compromising, why can't the union do the same? I didn't think that I could be any more upset with the union, but they have proved me wrong.

I am just so tired of them - I really am. The city might not have done well in this - but the union doesn't even appear to be trying to reach a deal. Possibly the most frustrating/depressing news of the day!

Anonymous said...

I'm paralyzed by rage when it comes to this issue. I'm mad at the union and at the city but I'm also mad that the passion people display on web posts isn't replicated on the streets. I'm sad that the protests at city hall and parliament didn't attract more people. It's up to the citizens of Ottawa to take matters into their own hands. Protest, picket, threaten. No matter who you think is at fault in all of this, only citizen power is going to bring an end to this. Is anyone organizing a massive protest? I'm willing to play my part...

Anonymous said...

Is anyone organizing a massive protest? I'm willing to play my part...

The union has already said they don't care what you think.

The only protest that would affect would be to picket the next union meeting. Or withhold salary. Or demand layoffs. All of which are excellent ideas.