The Atheist Bus Campaign, a public transit advertising initiative started in London that has been adopted by the Toronto-based Freethought Association of Canada, is hoping to come to OC Transpo buses, according to the Centretown News.
The Campaign, which we've discussed on TransitOttawa.ca before, purchases advertising on public transit with the slogan, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and get on with your life." It already has ads on buses in Toronto and Calgary, but was rejected by Halifax's transit authority. It remains to be seen if this could be rejected by OC Transpo officials.
What do readers think about the possibility of the campaign coming to Ottawa?
I don't see how that's any different from the other religious ads I see on the buses. Atheism has as much right to a voice as any religion.
I hope OC Transpo doesn't reject the ads, they'll need the money after this stupid strike! These ads don't bother me. Maybe it can promote a discussion on religion and God. Hopefully a constructive discussion, noing.t mudsling
Hopefully oc transpo will be scrapped and replaced with something better by the time it comes to town
Coincidentally, as part of a project in class, we are supposed to follow this ad campaign. Definitely interesting to say the least. Ottawa is mulling it over at the moment. It will be interesting to see what response the campaign is receiving thus far in Toronto and Calgary.
J’aimerais savoir ce qui arrive à la liberté d’expression à la ville d’Ottawa. À ce que je sache, les non-croyants ont autant le droit d’exprimer leur opinion que les croyants et je m’objecte à ce que ces derniers cherchent à m’imposer leurs valeurs.
To be entirely honest, after the littering of our skyscape with electric neon crosses, I would say that this doesn't even compare on the "offensive radar".
We need to agree to one of only two things: Present secular and religious subjects equally, or present neither at all.
Amen on the secular/religious front.
As for the other person who suggested scrapping OC Transpo altogether? No thanks. I'd rather fix it than lose it.
Sign the Petition to City Council here:
I'm an Atheist, but I keep my beliefs to myself so I don't offend somebody, why do us Atheist want to "see" our beliefs written? Does this make us cooler? Do we want to see our beliefs since we usually see theirs? If you don't like theirs, and think it's wrong, then don't do "their" mistake. We're all one, we all need each other. So let's all think about others feelings as well, if you "think" they don't care about yours,well you do the right thing then.
Wow. I actually agree on you Mr./Ms. Anonymous. Why need to shout it to the world? All of us are given the freedom to express what we feel, but all of us also have the rights to be respected. We should be sensitive enough and realize what could be the effect on what we are doing or saying.
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