Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Other Side: An ongoing series

One thing that really helps citizens determine just how good their city's transit infrastructure is is comparing it to other cities. That's what an upcoming series that the Public Transit in Ottawa Portal, "The Other Side", is hoping to do.

Stories in The Other Side series will take first-hand accounts of the experience individuals have in another city, and compare them to the system in Ottawa. Some of the major questions will be about how easy it is to get where you're going, how quickly you get there, how comfortable the ride is, and, of course, the price. Any other interesting information on the city in question is, of course, grounds for discussion.

The first of the series will be an examination of public transit in Hong Kong, courtesy of good friend Mel, who's been living there for over a year now. Returning readers might remember a post about the world's best transit systems back in April, where Hong Kong was ranked number one. I will post Mel's story, formatted in diary-entry format, within the next 24 hours, so stay tuned.

I hope readers enjoy the series, and I encourage anyone who's been to other cities to contact me at to discuss a possible submission.

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