Bayview station's theme is sustainability.
“This theme concept would incorporate environmentally friendly and eco-conscious art and design. This concept promotes an approach to materials and mediums that consider natural elements and environmental sensitivity of the Ottawa area.”
Lebreton station's theme is Algonquin.
“The theme of this station is ‘Algonquin’ and as such, the station design will express Algonquin culture. One of the ways that this will be achieved is through the development of a visible storm water management system and water garden that helps to explain the importance of the natural world in general and water in particular to the Algonquin’s. Additional concepts to express Algonquin culture will be developed in conjunction with the local and aboriginal community.”
Downtown West station's theme is Bytown.
“Celebrating the history of Ottawa, this theme could include our early origins, significant achievements such as the Rideau Canal and/or the community leads that helped build Ottawa.”
Downtown East station's theme is Confederation.
“This theme concept would incorporate design elements that recognise Ottawa’s role as the Nation’s Capital and could include symbols of Canadian identity and /or the unique cultures of each Province and Territory.”
Rideau station's theme is gallery.
“This theme would create a space for temporary art exhibits covering contemporary Canadian art. It could be designed to incorporate opportunities for temporary art works and exhibitions. The design could include aspects of versatile uses of space, consideration of incorporation of all artistic mediums within the plans for operational requirements, and potential links/partnershipsfor art/academic institutions.”
Campus station's theme is innovation.
“The theme of this station is Innovation; in conjunction with the local academic/visual arts community this concept could encompass various elements of innovation realized through choice of materials, medium, subject matter etc. The University of Ottawa will be consulted in the process of designing the station to reflect this design theme.”
These are all the theme stations. Ottawa attracts many tourists each year and many of them use our transit system. Having attractive LRT stations will leave a lasting impression on tourists and will provide a small sample of the culture and history of our beloved city with just a single train ride. Showcasing Ottawa to tourists may be the primary reason for having themes. This may explain why major stations outside of downtown like Hurdman and St. Laurent will be just ordinary stations.
We want to see more people out of their cars and use public transit; Providing a distinctive look to each major station is certainly one way to do it. What do you think of these themes?
I guess it's good someone is thinking about this, but it seems pretty silly and trivial at this stage, beside the real work of designing and building the system.
I concur with David. Just build them properly and safely with a limited impact on $ for the tax payers.
A nice gesture, but this is like worrying about the paint colour for the new trains before the model is chosen/purchased.
Train's theme should be "Gréber: A monument to the worst of 1930's Radiant Garden City Beautiful city planning and shortsighted 1950's anti-urban faddism."
Now that the only thing the City is going to prepare is an 'up to 30 per cent "proof of concept" design'*, what else is there for Staff to do but pick the themes. The City is letting the private sector design the system and the City will give them 'full flexibility'*.
[* From City document ACS2011-ICS-RIO-0002]
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