And then days became weeks. And now weeks have become months.
Some councillors, including Transit Committee Vice-Chair Marianne Wilkinson, are getting a little antsy waiting for the announcement. From 580 CFRA:
Vice Chair of Ottawa City Hall's Transit Committee Marianne Wilkinson says the environmental assessment is almost complete and she'd like to hear something concrete soon.
She suggests a delay in funding could slow down the project.
The actual groundbreaking for the project is still a ways off, but that date is getting closer, and we haven't really heard a peep since the federal governments most recent re-committing its $200M in transit plan funding--that money that's been on the table for years, waiting for a transit plan to fund.
Hopefully the announcement will come soon; light-rail transit in Ottawa has already been delayed long enough.
A cynic might suspect that the feds (and perhaps John Baird himself) are waiting to make the announcement closer to when Larry O'Brien announces his decision to run for re-election. The timing would be similar to the wrench they threw into the old N-S LRT plan during the previous election.
- RG>
At this point whatever it takes to get things moving forward. They are going to play politics no matter what.
It would be a nice change of pace to have them play politics and actually get something done.
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