Monday, August 10, 2009

TransitOttawa on CBC Radio's All In A Day today

Executive Director of Public Transit in Ottawa Peter Raaymakers will be on CBC Radio One Ottawa's All In A Day program on Monday, August 10, 2009 at around 3:40 p.m. Discussion will focus on the recently-announced Journal of Public Transit in Ottawa, a community-reviewed journal about the City of Ottawa's public transit infrastructure.

All In A Day is, according to CBC, Ottawa's top afternoon drive program. Hosted by Adrian Harewood, it runs from 3 to 6 p.m. every weekday on CBC Radio One Ottawa, 91.5 on the FM dial.

1 comment:

Graham Zeisner said...

Sounds like a good endeavor. I'll create a brief post/link on my public works blog - - in a day or so.

Graham Zeisner
President, RoadLogic Inc.

and Training Coordinator
Association of Ontario Road Supervisors (AORS)